Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Medical Cost Projection

Our costing reports provide an economical option for personal injury lawyers to quantify future care costs on straightforward legal cases.
Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Life Care Plans

Life Care Plan is an Expert report with comprehensive OT home or virtual assessment including determination of standards of care
Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Functional Capacity Evaluations

Our experts have specialized education and training through JTECH Medical and Matheson.  The evaluation is conducted using state-of-the-art computerized functional assessment tools. 
Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Responsive Life Care Plan Analysis

This rebuttal/critique of a life care plan is used to rebut an opposing life care plan to determine if standard methodology in life care planning was followed, including use of usual, customary and reasonable (UCR costs). 
Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Vocational Rehab Assessment

Comprehensive assessment identifying vocational interests, aptitudes, transferable skills and the current labor market to assist with vocational rehabilitation or determination of alternate job matches, re-training needs and/or career pathways.
Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Reasonable Cost Analysis

This report is a straightforward analysis of the costing within an opposing life care plan to determine if the prices are usual, customary and reasonable (UCR). 