medical-legal services

We are your prepared and credible experts—with the experience to evaluate complex cases, a rigorous eye for rebuttal, and the methodological acuity to develop life care plans that are solidly defensible.

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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Life Care Planning

A Life Care Plan is developed based upon published standards of practice, a comprehensive assessment (in-home or virtual), data analysis, and research.
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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Medical Cost Projection

An estimate of the probable future care costs based upon a review of the medical records and standard care guidelines.
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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab


We provide rebuttal opinions when there is an opposing life care plan, functional capacity evaluation and/or vocational assessment to determine if standard methodology was followed and the opinions are reliable.
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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Functional Capacity Evaluations

Specialized functional assessment conducted using state-of-the-art tools and training to determine if an individual can meet their essential job demands.
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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Vocational Rehab Assessment

A vocational way forward through assessing an individual's vocational interests, aptitudes and value against their residual capacity, transferrable skills and the current labor market.
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Tracy Witty Turning Point Rehab

Reasonable Cost Analysis

Analysis of past medical bills or a costs within a life care plan to determine the usual, customary and reasonable costs.
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